Kirsten Gnüge

Passion for Restaurants

The best of travel, food and pretty things! All about me and my profession:

The deeper meaning of visiting a restaurant…

Why do we humans like going to restaurants so much? That question drives me crazy. Why do only a few restaurants make us happy? Is there a deeper meaning to it all? Is it about just getting full? Or not having to cook?...

Well, this year's Corona shutdown demonstrated it quite extremely. All restaurants, bars, cafés, etc. were suddenly closed. The old, familiar, and so easily attainable, were no longer available. Going out on dates, meeting friends, having a delicious meal, being outside, laughing together, being happy... or trying new tastes, finding comfort, satisfying the ego, whatever our motives are; that's what we get from restaurants.

For example, the deeper meaning of going to a restaurant: You go with your partner to a restaurant you know well and appreciate. You know the ambience is pleasant, the food and the atmosphere are very good. This pleasant atmosphere is transferred to you and therefore you radiate this happy mood to your partner. Feelings of happiness and a good mood, which are evoked in your partner, will ultimately have a positive effect reflected back on you.

The expectations are usually very high because you consciously chose a particular restaurant, either from a deeper motivation or a rational one. Personally, I love the authentic, the honest, the use of very good products and the straight-forward, not exaggerated, ornate preparation, along with attentive service. Not always easy for restaurants to meet these high expectations.

In my blog I introduce restaurants that have inspired me in different ways. Here, only my personal motives play a role. It fills me with pride that I have already made many people happy with my "taste", those who have followed my recommendations. Your Angel!



Kirsten Gnüge

Tantris, Munich

Almost every halfway interested culinary expert knows the Tantris. I don't want to go into too much detail at this point.

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Kirsten Gnüge

Trattoria Marietta Gardone

I would like to mention this trattoria in any case, as here, one of the best pizzas of the Lake Garda are available. Not these cheap pizzas, but very special topped. Over winding small alleyways, one gets to the trattoria.

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Hotel Heureka Venedig

I can say that I am addicted to Venice. I love this city and always will. Even if a lot of things have happened there that I don't like at all. For example, the fact that big cruise ships are allowed to pull up to St. Mark’s Square.

The Savoy London

Schönheit, Luxus und Glamour! Dieses Hotel ist für mich nach wie vor etwas sehr Besonderes. Nachdem ich meine klassische Hotelfach Ausbildung im Jahre 1991 beendete,

Hotel Belvedere Toscolano-Maderno

In Maclino schlägt das Herz höher! Toscolano-Maderno gehört zu meinen Lieblingsorten. Dort bin ich verwurzelt und mein Herz schlägt höher, wenn ich dort bin. Toscolano-Maderno

Marketing Tip 1 (April 2020)

Mit dem richtigen Schlüssel in der Hand kann man alle Türen öffnen. Wir schreiben das Jahr 2020 im April. Derzeit haben wir den kompletten Shutdown

The Zirmerhof

Yes! Da bin ich wieder. Was will man da machen… Es ist wie ein Magnet für mich dort hinzufahren, um Ruhe zu finden. Diesmal im
