Kiki`s Entdeckungen.
Pretty Things and must haves.
The same applies to this section: what I like, what I find cool, ends up here. That can be a wicked bike shop in London, nice dishes, an exciting exhibition, movies or just a nice discovery that makes me happy.
I would like to mention this trattoria in any case, as here, one of the best pizzas of the Lake Garda are available. Not these cheap pizzas, but very special topped. Over winding small alleyways, one gets to the trattoria.
I can say that I am addicted to Venice. I love this city and always will. Even if a lot of things have happened there that I don't like at all. For example, the fact that big cruise ships are allowed to pull up to St. Mark’s Square.
Schönheit, Luxus und Glamour! Dieses Hotel ist für mich nach wie vor etwas sehr Besonderes. Nachdem ich meine klassische Hotelfach Ausbildung im Jahre 1991 beendete,
In Maclino schlägt das Herz höher! Toscolano-Maderno gehört zu meinen Lieblingsorten. Dort bin ich verwurzelt und mein Herz schlägt höher, wenn ich dort bin. Toscolano-Maderno